- Written by Christopher Howard

Lately, a lot of space has been devoted in the media to the economic melt down in the U.S. People there do have reason to be alarmed. The situation is downright scary. I don’t know what it is but I really feel removed form the whole thing living in Costa Rica. All of the events
- Written by Christopher Howard
The growing popularity of Costa Rica as one of the most popular retirement havens in the world has given birth to an industry of retirement related businesses. The first being retirement tours. When I started in the retirement tour business almost 30 years ago there were no retirement tours in Costa Rica. There wasn’t even
- Written by Christopher Howard
Hello, My name is Christopher Howard and I am an author of several bestselling books about Costa Rica and have lived in the country for almost 30 years. This is a general discuss about real estate in Costa Rica to try and give you an overall perspective. If you want more detailed information I suggest
- Written by Christopher Howard

If you have a complaint against a real estate company or agent you should contact the Costa Rican real estate boards listed below. To file complaints against unscrupulous lawyers, Costa Rica’s version of a Bar Association see the Colegio de Abogados, website at www.abogados.or.cr. Next click on Quejas y Suspensiones (complaints and suspensions. 1. (CRGAR)
- Written by Christopher Howard

The percentage of Canadian “boomers” is higher than the U.S., not that the actual numbers are. Canadian baby boomers are a huge group: proportionately 50 percent larger than the U.S. boomers. (Canada has an approximate population of 33.3 million and the U.S. has about 301 million of which there were 76 million boomers). For every
- Written by Christopher Howard

I just read an article about a new phenomenon in Costa Rica called “The Instant Real Estate Agent.” Since real estate has become a very lucrative business in Costa Rica, everyone is trying to cash in by selling property. Most of the people involved don’t even have a real estate license, never worked in the
- Written by Christopher Howard

Again and again I hear stories about people making mistakes when purchasing property in Costa Rica. I really feel it is my responsibility to share the following with my readers. As you probably know by now Costa Rica has become very popular over the last couple of years. From all indications interest in the country
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